The Iveson Clinic for Physiotherapy and Chiropractic
Long Melford, Sudbury
What is Physiotherapy?
Physiotherapy helps restore movement and function when someone is affected by injury, illness or disability, by using exercise, manual therapy, electrotherapy, acupuncture, education and advice.
Why go privately
So often we are hearing of patients who are struggling with their condition which hasn’t recovered with advice and exercises as provided by their local hospital.
The difference privately, is that we have time to offer traditional ‘hands on’ physiotherapy. We have time to do a thorough examination, discuss our findings and if appropriate offer and commence a course of treatment to help the patient recover more speedily. This may need one treatment or a course of treatment, but there is no arbitrary limit. Treatments are upto 40 minutes long. We would hope the patient would make a speedy recovery, but if we have any concerns regarding the recovery and feel a specialist or gp opinion is needed, we would write to the gp to advise them about the findings and whether further investigation or treatment is needed.
Patients are welcome to attend without a GP referral.
Conditions treated
The treatment is available to people of all ages offering treatment for various conditions from sprains and strains, to shoulder knee or elbow conditions , to post -operative recovery such as after a knee replacement. Neck and back injuries often benefit from physiotherapy treatment, which will aim to regain natural movement in the affected joint, ease the pain and inflammation ,combined with developing a suitable home exercise programme.
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What treatments do you offer?
Physiotherapists will work with the patients, guiding them through their recovery, and how they can help themselves. We offer a wide range of treatments at the Iveson Clinic.
Pilates has become a very popular exercise system, it focuses on stretching and strengthening the body.
What qualifications do you have?
All physiotherapists at the Iveson Clinic are members of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP) and Health Care Professional Council (HCPC) .