01787 374964 - The Iveson Clinic for Physiotherapy and Chiropractic - info.ivesonclinic@gmail.com

My Back Pain Has Gone. Now What?

Symptom guided treatment, or a maintenance care programme?

Non-specific low back pain is a complex, multi-faceted problem, which encompasses social, behavioural and psychological factors.

Many chiropractors use one of two strategies once a patient has recovered from their low back pain: to finish treatment and possibly continue with exercises, and only have further treatment when the pain returns (this is known as symptom-guided treatment) or to go on to a maintenance care programme…. To read more click on the green heading above….

Keep On Running!

Sports Injuries – How does trigger point acupuncture work?

Acupuncture works by stimulating the body’s own chemical response which aids recovery and rehabilitation. Trigger point acupuncture (also known as dry needling) is becoming increasingly popular in the sporting world due to the rapid effect it has on pain arising from tense muscles and myofascial tissue.

Studies have shown that needling deactivates the trigger point (hyper-sensitised area within a muscle) and enables the tense muscle to ease and lengthen. The physical act of needling into the myofascial or muscle tissue, and stimulating it by twisting the needle, stretches the tissue in relation to the surrounding areas.

So what does acupuncture feel like? …. click on the green header above to read more ….