01787 374964 - The Iveson Clinic for Physiotherapy and Chiropractic - info.ivesonclinic@gmail.com

Deep Tissue Massager

Dr Graeme Professional Strength Deep Tissue Massager

The Iveson Clinic has been using the Dr Graeme Deep Tissue Massager for many years now. It has been an extremely useful tool to have in addition to our hands on treatments. Although we use it on patients regularly , we also sell these for home use, where appropriate. 
This article discusses how it works, who can use it and more information regarding vibration therapy.
To find out more , click on the green header above .

Julie Iveson – Suffolk Artist

Julie Iveson, physiotherapist and Suffolk Artist, will shortly be exhibiting some of her latest work , at the Sudbury Summer Art Fair. This is held in St. Peter’s Church in Sudbury from 2nd-14th July. There will be a vast array of beautiful art, printmaking and craft to see. If you would like to read more about this, click on the link above.

Get Active this Summer

Exercise is good for you!

Do you love activity, but hate exercise? Do you want to get fit but don’t know where to start? Why not get active this Summer? The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy have started to promote exercise to help with various conditions. Exercise can be fun and not necessarily hard work!
If you suffer with back pain, arthritis and chronic pain, there are still forms of exercise that can help your condition. To read on click the green heading above ……………………..