01787 374964 - The Iveson Clinic for Physiotherapy and Chiropractic - info.ivesonclinic@gmail.com

Introduction – Acupuncture and Knee Pain

Some interesting new research shows that acupuncture can relieve chronic pain. Furthermore it improves physical function in patients diagnosed with osteoarthritis of the knee. The research into acupuncture and knee pain, involved ten randomized controlled trials. The patients had a confirmed diagnosis of knee osteoarthritis. They compared acupuncture with sham acupuncture. Also comparing standard care and no intervention.

Research Conclusion

The studies concluded that acupuncture can improve short and long-term physical function. However in some patients the pain relief from acupuncture appeared to be only short term.

The research was carried out by the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery at the Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital, China. If this study interests you, you can read more about these fascinating results here

Treatment at The Iveson Clinic

Julie Iveson, senior physiotherapist at The Iveson Clinic, is a qualified and experienced acupuncturist. Therefore to find out more or to book an appointment, please click here or call us on 01787 374964.


Acupuncture for Knee Pain