Happy Easter from us all
Happy Easter from everyone at the Iveson Clinic. This is a very different Easter for us all, but some wonderful weather lifts our spirits. Our thoughts are with those who have been affected by the virus. Hopefully for others, you are gradually getting used to being at home. For some, it has allowed time to garden, tidy up rooms and have a good clear out.
For those who are able to exercise, it allows us to get out for a short while and enjoy our beautiful town and countryside.
On our recent rare visits to the Supermarket, we have become aware of those unable to have physiotherapy or chiropractic treatment. ” I am dreaming of my next physio treatment”, said one patient we passed.
Happy Easter – we are still open!
Although we aren’t able to see patients face to face at the moment, we are still at the end of the phone to offer advice. We are also able to offer video consultations .
The Iveson Clinic has joined an online rehabilitation company which offers exercises, videos and advice for most muscle and joint problems. Patients have found the information e mailed to them from this platform extremely helpful. Programmes are tailored individually to suit each patient’t condition and needs.

Happy Easter – Rehab my patient Exercises and video software
If you are suffering with pain and need some help , call 01787 374964. The Iveson Clinic can provide suitable :
- advice
- recommendation regarding referral to GP or Consultants where appropriate
- teach exercises where suitable
- provide ergonomic advice regarding working from home
- show taping techniques where needed
- post items such as sacro-iliac belts , massagers , etc.
Spring often results in a burst of activity. You may be in the garden, or starting a fitness regime to lose weight for your holiday. This year many of us have so much more time for this whilst in lock-down. Seasonally, the Iveson Clinic often see more patients with back pain from gardening or a pulled muscle from increased activities.
If you need any advice don’t hesitate to call and we will help as best we can. Stay safe everyone