01787 374964 - The Iveson Clinic for Physiotherapy and Chiropractic - info.ivesonclinic@gmail.com


The 2016 Olympic Games in Rio are fast approaching. The opening ceremony takes place on Saturday 6th August. There are sure to be many wonderful sporting moments, outstanding achievements and records broken. You may already know that physiotherapy plays a vital role in elite athletes. Physiotherapy helps to keep athletes fit to perform. Furthermore it helps them recover from sporting injuries. However did you know that physiotherapy can help recreational sportspeople too?

A  survey was carried out in 2013 for BBC Radio 5 Live, following the London 2012 Olympics..  The study revealed that,  as a direct result of the Olympics, 20% of people were inspired to take up, or increase their participation in sport.  This is good news, of course, however it could also mean an increase in sports-related injuries.

Physiotherapy for Sporting Injuries

Sports physiotherapists have specific knowledge and experience. Their experience means they can deal with acute, chronic or over-use injuries. Furthermore Acupuncture can also aid recovery following a sporting injury. A variety of techniques can be effectively used. These techniques  stimulate the body to aid recovery and ease pain.

Treatment at The Iveson Clinic

Julie Iveson, is the senior physiotherapist and acupuncturist at The Iveson Clinic. She also has a particular interest in all forms of sports injuries. In the late 1970s and early 80s she was a successful gymnast, and competed internationally. Here is Julie performing at The British Championships.

At the Iveson Clinic we can offer treatment for injuries. We can also provide advice to prevent sporting injuries. Please give us a call on  01787 374964 to discuss.

Sports person