01787 374964 - The Iveson Clinic for Physiotherapy and Chiropractic - info.ivesonclinic@gmail.com

Sacroiliac Joint Pain

When is Hip Pain not Hip Pain?

Sacroiliac joint inflammation can be a pain in the backside!

Pain in the hip area is one of the most common symptoms presented by clients to chiropractic or physiotherapy clinics. However, all may not be as it seems. Hip pain may not be caused by the hips at all; it may actually be coming from the sacroiliac joints. The hip joints are the ball and socket joints at the side of the hip area. The sacroiliac joints are located at the two dimples low down to either side of the spine. They are L-shaped joints, surrounded by supporting muscle and ligaments, which are the link between the spine and the pelvis. The joints should move just a small amount to allow for walking and sitting. 

Causes of Sacroiliac Joint Pain

The sacroiliac joints can become injured or inflamed through trauma or strain, especially through prolonged sitting. Pain is usually felt to one side of the lower back, into the buttocks and sometimes to the groin and front of the thigh. For these reasons, it can be confused with hip or sciatic nerve issues. When you have sacroiliac joint pain, it may be aggravated by standing still, walking, sitting cross-legged and lying on your side. Bending forward, stair climbing, hill climbing and rising from a seated position can also provoke sacroiliac pain. 



Depending on the nature and severity of the problem, the chiropractic or physiotherapy approach is usually to restore function and mobility to the joint, reduce inflammation and work with the muscles and ligaments to reduce pain. Exercises will help to rehabilitate the joint, and sometimes a special support belt can be of benefit. (These can be purchased from The Iveson Clinic.) Our practitioners can also give you tips to prevent future recurrence of sacroiliac pain. These may include ongoing strengthening exercises and ergonomic advice.  

If you are suffering from any lower back, hip or sacroiliac pain, the The Iveson Clinic can help. Call us on 01787 374694 for an appointment.