01787 374964 - The Iveson Clinic for Physiotherapy and Chiropractic - info.ivesonclinic@gmail.com

Question Time

Question Time Introduction

So often, we are asked the same questions regarding Physiotherapy and Chiropractic. We hope this Question Time blog will be helpful to many of you. If you have any other questions, do pop in them in the comment section below or pop us an e mail.(info.ivesonclinic@gmail.com)
This article covers three questions:
What is the difference between physiotherapy and chiropractic?
Should I use heat or ice?
How many treatments will I need?

To read on follow the green link above

Farewell to our colleague

Farewell to one of our physiotherapists

Katie McLernon, one of our Physiotherapists  here at the Iveson Clinic, will sadly be leaving us at the end of the year. Katie first worked for the Iveson Clinic in 2010, and then returned in 2016 after a period spent working in the Far East…. To read more click on the green header above….

Rowing Injuries and prevention


Physiofirst has recently shared this interesting article from Berkshire Hospital regarding Rowing and Injury Prevention and Treatment. As we have a very active rowing club in Sudbury and see rowers occasionally with an assortment of ailments, this article may of be of interest to some of you. 
This article discusses common causes of rowing injuries, preventative advice and treatment available

Fractured Patella-Anna’s story

Fractured Patella – A patient’s experience

I broke my knee cap on 1st October 2018. While I was in the garden, I  managed to trip over the dog and some wood and landed at 90 degrees on my right knee onto a paving slab. A rapid trip to A & E at Bury St Edmunds confirmed there was indeed a break – a patella fracture. This led to surgery later on that day to wire the knee cap together.

Read on to hear more about Anna’s story , sharing her experience before and after surgery. All about physiotherapy and rehabilitation for a fractured patella.
Click on the green title to read on………

Back Pain at Work

Back pain at work

A recent survey by the British Chiropractic Association, has found that workers experiencing back pain at work take an average of 12 sick days per year.
The study reveals that a third of the population have taken at least one day off work due to back or neck pain in the past year. More than a fifth of workers feel that back pain has a negative impact on their working life. 
To read more about Back pain at work and how to help yourself , click on the green title above

Deep Tissue Massager

Dr Graeme Professional Strength Deep Tissue Massager

The Iveson Clinic has been using the Dr Graeme Deep Tissue Massager for many years now. It has been an extremely useful tool to have in addition to our hands on treatments. Although we use it on patients regularly , we also sell these for home use, where appropriate. 
This article discusses how it works, who can use it and more information regarding vibration therapy.
To find out more , click on the green header above .