01787 374964 - The Iveson Clinic for Physiotherapy and Chiropractic - info.ivesonclinic@gmail.com

Acupuncture and Knee Pain

Research Results of Acupuncture for Knee Pain

Some interesting new research seems to show that acupuncture can relieve chronic pain and improves physical function in patients diagnosed with osteoarthritis of the knee.

The research involved ten randomized controlled trials of acupuncture compared with sham acupuncture, standard care or no intervention for chronic knee pain in patients who had a confirmed diagnosed of knee osteoarthritis.
The studies demonstrated that acupuncture can improve short and long-term physical function, however in some patients the pain relief from acupuncture appeared to be only short term…. To read more click on the green header above….

Physiotherapy & Sporting Injuries

Physiotherapy to help sportspeople

You may already know that physiotherapy plays a vital role in keeping elite athletes fit to perform or help them recover from injury, but did you know that physiotherapy can help recreational sportspeople too?

A 2013 survey for BBC Radio 5 Live revealed that, as a direct result of the London 2012 Olympics, 20% of people were inspired to take up or increase their participation in sport. This is good news, of course, but it could also mean an increase in sports-related injuries.

Sports physiotherapists have specific knowledge and experience that can deal with acute, chronic or over-use injuries. Acupuncture can also aid recovery following a sporting injury….To read more click on the green header above….

Hands-on or Hands-off Treatment?

How Can Hands on Treatment Help?

There is currently a lot of debate regarding hands on versus hands off physiotherapy. Research is being undertaken to ascertain, through evidence based trials, which form of treatment is most helpful in the long term to patients.

Very often patients will come to the Iveson Clinic, having had hands-off treatment at the local hospital but feeling frustrated that, after waiting on the NHS waiting list for their treatment, they received only advice and exercises!

However, I think common sense must prevail in the end! Without hands on treatment, patients will be unable to do their exercises, in the way intended, due to joint dysfunction or pain….. To read more, click on the green header above….