01787 374964 - The Iveson Clinic for Physiotherapy and Chiropractic - info.ivesonclinic@gmail.com

Green Fingers… Sore Backs?

Tips For Pain Free Gardening

Summer is in full swing and many of us like nothing better than to get out in the fresh air and potter in the garden. Digging and weeding can be strenuous work though, and it’s all too easy to overdo it and end the day with aches, pains or pulled muscles. However with a bit of thought and planning, it’s simple to avoid those injuries and continue to enjoy putting your green fingers to work.
Here are our Top Tips for pain-free pottering… To read more click on the green header above….

What about Whiplash Injuries?

The Latest Research For Whiplash Injuries

Richard Iveson, The Iveson Clinic’s Chiropractor, has recently attended a conference on the most up-to-date thoughts and research on whiplash injuries.
Current thinking is that the efficacy of treating whiplash with traditional, hands-on treatments, using mobilisations and muscle relaxing techniques, could be enhanced by also looking at psychological factors.
It appears that whiplash can alter the way the brain processes information from the eyes and neck muscles, and there is evidence that treatment and exercises for these systems can help patients recover faster….. To read more click on the green header above….

Middle Aged? A Good Night’s Sleep Helps Prevent Aches & Pains

How to get a good nights sleep

The British Chiropractic Association (BCA) has recently published some new research* showing that middle age (45 – 54) is the time of life when the quality of your sleep (or lack of it) is most likely to cause back and neck pain.

Nearly two fifths (39%) of those questioned, who have suffered from back or neck pain, thought that sleeping and/or their mattresswas the trigger for their aches and pains.
More than half (58%) admitted that pain kept them awake and a huge 87% said they sometimes woke up in the morning with back or neck pain.
Tips for a better nights sleep…. To read more click on the green header above….

The Benefits of Deep Tissue Massage Therapy

The Benefits of Deep Tissue Massage Therapy

At The Iveson Clinic we use many pieces of equipment to help patients recover as quickly as possible.
A few years ago we were contacted by an Australian chiropractor called Dr Graeme who wanted to send us an electric deep tissue massage machine to trial.

Deep tissue massage can be used to relax and lengthen tight muscles and is also very effective in treating trigger points.

We were very impressed when we tried the Dr Graeme Massager, and we have used it in The Iveson Clinic for a number of years now. Many patients find the treatment very effective for releasing tight knots in the muscles, as well as for general relaxation….. To read more click on the green header above….

Help for Headaches

Chiropractic Care For Headaches

Many of us suffer with headaches from time to time, with some people affected more frequently than others. There are several different types but one of the most common is the tension headache, sometimes called the stress headache. This causes a mild to moderate pain that spreads across the entire head in a sort of band, different from migraines which are usually felt on one side or the other.

Lots of people reach for over-the-counter pain relief to help ease the pain but what if there was a more natural way? Some recent research, published in the European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine in February 2016, suggests that chiropractic treatment might offer relief from tension headaches…. To read more click on the green header above….

Posture. Are you a spoon or a bridge?

Posture and Back Pain

The shape of a woman’s side profile could be used as an indicator of neck and back problems. That’s according to research from the British Chiropractic Association which showed the average age of onset of back pain in women is 34 years.

Women whose heads lean forward are most likely to currently be suffering back pain at (58%) followed by those with an arched back at (56%) whilst those with a flat back suffer the least…. To read more click on the green header above….